metadata and MO information - ucsmsdk
ucsmsdk now has helper methods to help figure out MO names and dig into the properties and other metadata provided by an object.
from ucsmsdk.ucscoreutils import search_class_id
from ucsmsdk.ucscoreutils import get_meta_info
is a case-insensitive grep method that searches all MO names.
In [6]: search_class_id("vlan")
2016-06-11 02:26:01,741 - ucs - INFO - "vlan" did not match any available Class Ids.
Related Class Ids are:
Once you have figured the correct MO name, you can use getmetainfo to dig further into the MO.
Below we get meta information for FabricVlan
It starts with a tree view of where FabricVlan
fits, it parents and children.
Then it shows MO information
Finally, it shows information about properties of the MO.
Mo Property information:
- the name of the property as expected by the server.
- type of the field
- Ucs server release in which the property was first introduced
- defines if a property is interal/user-readable/user-writable
property restrictions:
- minimum length for string property type
- maximum length for string property type
- allowed patterns, regexs
- set of allowed values for this property
- range for int/uint values
In [7]: class_meta = get_meta_info("FabricVlan")
In [8]: print class_meta
| |-FaultInst
| |-FaultInst
| |-FabricEthVlanPortEp
| | |-FaultInst
| |-FabricFcoeVsanPortEp
| |-FaultInst
ClassId FabricVlan
------- ----------
xml_attribute :fabricVlan
rn :net-[name]
min_version :1.0(1e)
access :InputOutput
access_privilege :['admin', 'ext-lan-config', 'ext-lan-policy']
parents :[u'fabricEthEstc', u'fabricEthEstcCloud', u'fabricEthLan', u'fabricLanCloud']
children :[u'fabricEthMonFiltEp', u'fabricEthMonSrcEp', u'fabricEthVlanPc', u'fabricEthVlanPortEp', u'fabricPoolableVlan', u'fabricSwSubGroup', u'faultInst']
Property assoc_primary_vlan_state
-------- ------------------------
xml_attribute :assocPrimaryVlanState
field_type :string
min_version :2.2(2c)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :None
value_set :['does-not-exists', 'is-empty', 'is-in-error-state', 'is-not-primary-type', 'ok']
range_val :[]
Property assoc_primary_vlan_switch_id
-------- ----------------------------
xml_attribute :assocPrimaryVlanSwitchId
field_type :string
min_version :2.2(2c)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :None
value_set :['A', 'B', 'NONE']
range_val :[]
Property child_action
-------- ------------
xml_attribute :childAction
field_type :string
min_version :1.0(1e)
access :INTERNAL
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :((deleteAll|ignore|deleteNonPresent),){0,2}(deleteAll|ignore|deleteNonPresent){0,1}
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property cloud
-------- -----
xml_attribute :cloud
field_type :string
min_version :2.1(1a)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :((defaultValue|unknown|fcsanmon|ethlan|ethestclan|fcestc|ethlanmon|fcsan),){0,7}(defaultValue|unknown|fcsanmon|ethlan|ethestclan|fcestc|ethlanmon|fcsan){0,1}
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property compression_type
-------- ----------------
xml_attribute :compressionType
field_type :string
min_version :2.1(1a)
access :READ_WRITE
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :None
value_set :['excluded', 'included']
range_val :[]
Property config_issues
-------- -------------
xml_attribute :configIssues
field_type :string
min_version :2.1(1a)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :((defaultValue|not-applicable|conflicting-vlan-access|unsupported-multicast-policy),){0,3}(defaultValue|not-applicable|conflicting-vlan-access|unsupported-multicast-policy){0,1}
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property default_net
-------- -----------
xml_attribute :defaultNet
field_type :string
min_version :1.0(1e)
access :READ_WRITE
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :None
value_set :['false', 'no', 'true', 'yes']
range_val :[]
Property dn
-------- --
xml_attribute :dn
field_type :string
min_version :1.0(1e)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :0
max_length :256
pattern :None
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property ep_dn
-------- -----
xml_attribute :epDn
field_type :string
min_version :1.0(1e)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :0
max_length :256
pattern :None
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property flt_aggr
-------- --------
xml_attribute :fltAggr
field_type :ulong
min_version :2.1(1a)
access :INTERNAL
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :None
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property id
-------- --
xml_attribute :id
field_type :uint
min_version :1.0(1e)
access :READ_WRITE
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :None
value_set :[]
range_val :['1-4029', '4048-4093']
Property if_role
-------- -------
xml_attribute :ifRole
field_type :string
min_version :1.0(1e)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :None
value_set :['diag', 'fcoe-nas-storage', 'fcoe-storage', 'fcoe-uplink', 'mgmt', 'monitor', 'nas-storage', 'network', 'network-fcoe-uplink', 'server', 'service', 'storage', 'unknown']
range_val :[]
Property if_type
-------- -------
xml_attribute :ifType
field_type :string
min_version :1.0(1e)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :None
value_set :['aggregation', 'physical', 'unknown', 'virtual']
range_val :[]
Property local
-------- -----
xml_attribute :local
field_type :ulong
min_version :2.1(2a)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :None
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property locale
-------- ------
xml_attribute :locale
field_type :string
min_version :1.0(1e)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :((defaultValue|unknown|server|chassis|internal|external),){0,5}(defaultValue|unknown|server|chassis|internal|external){0,1}
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property mcast_policy_name
-------- -----------------
xml_attribute :mcastPolicyName
field_type :string
min_version :2.1(1a)
access :READ_WRITE
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :[\-\.:_a-zA-Z0-9]{0,16}
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property name
-------- ----
xml_attribute :name
field_type :string
min_version :1.0(1e)
access :NAMING
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :[\-\.:_a-zA-Z0-9]{1,32}
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property oper_mcast_policy_name
-------- ----------------------
xml_attribute :operMcastPolicyName
field_type :string
min_version :2.1(1a)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :0
max_length :256
pattern :None
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property oper_state
-------- ----------
xml_attribute :operState
field_type :string
min_version :2.0(1m)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :None
value_set :['error-misconfigured', 'ok']
range_val :[]
Property overlap_state_for_a
-------- -------------------
xml_attribute :overlapStateForA
field_type :string
min_version :2.2(2c)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :None
value_set :['active', 'not-active', 'ok', 'primary-id-mismatch', 'sharing-type-mismatch']
range_val :[]
Property overlap_state_for_b
-------- -------------------
xml_attribute :overlapStateForB
field_type :string
min_version :2.2(2c)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :None
value_set :['active', 'not-active', 'ok', 'primary-id-mismatch', 'sharing-type-mismatch']
range_val :[]
Property peer_dn
-------- -------
xml_attribute :peerDn
field_type :string
min_version :1.0(1e)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :0
max_length :256
pattern :None
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property policy_owner
-------- ------------
xml_attribute :policyOwner
field_type :string
min_version :2.1(2a)
access :READ_WRITE
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :None
value_set :['local', 'pending-policy', 'policy']
range_val :[]
Property pub_nw_dn
-------- ---------
xml_attribute :pubNwDn
field_type :string
min_version :1.4(1i)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :0
max_length :256
pattern :None
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property pub_nw_id
-------- ---------
xml_attribute :pubNwId
field_type :uint
min_version :1.4(1i)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :None
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property pub_nw_name
-------- -----------
xml_attribute :pubNwName
field_type :string
min_version :1.4(1i)
access :READ_WRITE
min_length :0
max_length :510
pattern :None
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property r_global
-------- --------
xml_attribute :global
field_type :ulong
min_version :2.1(2a)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :None
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property rn
-------- --
xml_attribute :rn
field_type :string
min_version :1.0(1e)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :0
max_length :256
pattern :None
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property sacl
-------- ----
xml_attribute :sacl
field_type :string
min_version :3.0(2a)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :((none|del|mod|addchild|cascade),){0,4}(none|del|mod|addchild|cascade){0,1}
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property sharing
-------- -------
xml_attribute :sharing
field_type :string
min_version :1.4(1i)
access :READ_WRITE
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :None
value_set :['community', 'isolated', 'none', 'primary']
range_val :[]
Property status
-------- ------
xml_attribute :status
field_type :string
min_version :1.0(1e)
access :READ_WRITE
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :((removed|created|modified|deleted),){0,3}(removed|created|modified|deleted){0,1}
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property switch_id
-------- ---------
xml_attribute :switchId
field_type :string
min_version :1.0(1e)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :None
value_set :['A', 'B', 'NONE', 'dual']
range_val :[]
Property transport
-------- ---------
xml_attribute :transport
field_type :string
min_version :1.0(1e)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :((defaultValue|unknown|ether|dce|fc),){0,4}(defaultValue|unknown|ether|dce|fc){0,1}
value_set :[]
range_val :[]
Property type
-------- ----
xml_attribute :type
field_type :string
min_version :1.0(1e)
access :READ_ONLY
min_length :None
max_length :None
pattern :((defaultValue|unknown|lan|san|ipc),){0,4}(defaultValue|unknown|lan|san|ipc){0,1}
value_set :[]
range_val :[]