October 12, 2018 · pandoc

Writing In Markdown

Writing in Markdown format is great to be able to version control your documents.
But Markdown may not be a easy when there is too much formatting involved. like, tables etc.

Welcome Pandoc!

With Pandoc, you can write your documents in Microsoft word and convert them into Markdown automatically.


For Mac OS,

brew install pandoc
brew cask install basictex

Fire up a new terminal

note: for other Operating systems - Pick the release from https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases

Converting .docx to various formats

pandoc --extract-media . test.docx -o test.md
pandoc --extract-media . test.docx -o test.pdf
pandoc --extract-media . test.docx -o test.epub
pandoc --extract-media . test.docx -o test.html

The --extract-media argument is required when you have pictures in the document. It defines the directory in which pictures are extracted and saved.

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